Calling Back the Sun Ritual for Spring & Ostara

Not everyone believes in the usefulness of the Tarot when it comes to predicting your future. I myself think of the Tarot as a tool to suggest ideas and concepts that you might want to ponder and think about in reference to your life. The Tarot provides a different angle on which to think about your life. It gives the reader a new lens to consider their life.

I like to use the tarot as inspiration and a visual focusing point for my meditations, hopes, prayers, wishes and and journaling exercises (more to come on that in an upcoming blog post “How To Use the Tarot As Journaling Prompts” keep and eye out!). Use the tarot as artwork to look at when you are contemplating your life journey. The imagery on tarot decks are beautiful and inspiring, there are so many decks out there that you are bound to find a deck that you love to simply look at. You can even use the tarot as a way to celebrate Ostara and the Spring Equinox aka the return of the Sun to the Earth.

Now, onto Calling Back the Sun with the Sun Tarot Card.

Calling Back the Sun Ritual

  1. Sit comfortably with your tarot deck.
  2. Shuffle the cards until you feel they are sufficiently mixed. I like to shuffle mine at least 3 times and cut the deck before use, all while paying attention to any cards that jump out.
  3. Flip the deck over so the cards are face up and spread them out in one long arc.
  4. Look for the Sun card. Can you see it? Is it first? last? Hunt for the card and pay attention to any cards that jump
  5. out or catch your eye.
  6. Once you have found the Sun Card, remove it, in the same position (upright or reversed) and order, along with any other cards that jumped out at you.
  7. If you are into the tarot, meditate on the given meanings of those cards and those positions as per the booklet of meanings that should have come with your tarot deck.
  8. Then think about how those meanings apply to any obstacles in your life. What is it that is preventing you from Calling Back the Sun into your life? What is it that is preventing Calling Back the Sun for Ostara? Meditate on why its important for the return of the Sun for Ostara.
  9. Make a plan for those hurdles and for your Ostara goals and intentions.
  10. If the cards are positive, see if there are any parallels to the positive events in your recent life. Meditate on how those things came about, how they made you feel, and are making you feel now.
  11. Once you are done meditating on those cards, place them back into the deck and collapse the deck into one pile, leaving the Sun Card out.
  12. Take some time to meditate on the Sun Card, what it means to you, what it means to the Earth for the Sun to Return on Ostara or the Spring Equinox.
  13. When you are done, place the Sun card back in the deck or leave it out on your altar. You can also leave it in a place where you will see it every day, like tucked into a mirror frame, so it can remind you of your plan to bring the Sun back to your life. Leaving the Sun card out can also be a reminder of the positive memories brought up during this reading.

You can also use this method to focus your thoughts on any other aspect that you want to draw back into your life. Just find the card that represents your goal or thoughts and perform the steps above.

The Sun Traditional Tarot Meaning 

THE SUN—Material happiness, fortunate marriage, contentment. Reversed: The same in a lesser sense.
from The Rider Tarot Deck

You can also draw a card each week and set it out where you will see it every day and just meditate on its given meaning, or what it means to you, or just on its beauty. Find your own symbolism in the tarot and let your subconscious speak to you through the image you draw.

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Hey You! I’m Jenny, the founder of Indigo Spirituality. I’m passionate about Spirituality & connecting to the natural cycles of Nature. Indigo Spirituality strives to be the ultimate resource for getting more in touch with the natural world around you no matter where you live. Indigo Spirituality is part of the Owls & Indigo Network.