Prayers, Rituals, Blessings

Air Blessing for Autumn

Air Blessing for Autumn

“Celebrating the magical & the mundane of everyday life.” I originally wrote this Air Blessing for Autumn special for 2015. As the years have...

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Simple Fall Apple Ritual

Simple Fall Apple Ritual

"Celebrating the magical & the mundane of life." The Fall Equinox and the Folk Holiday, Mabon is a time of year to give thanks for the harvest...

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Simple Mid-Winter Milk Ritual

Simple Mid-Winter Milk Ritual

The beginning of February marks Mid-Winter and the fire festivals for St. Bridget, Candlemas and Imbolc. This is a time of year to give thanks for...

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Full Moon Tea Ritual

Full Moon Tea Ritual

Tea is a really great way to bring a little ritual magic into your daily life. Its also something that is non-obtrusive to other people's religion...

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Modern Lupercalia Ritual

Modern Lupercalia Ritual

Lupercalia embodies important symbols for me personally, the Wolf, Purification, Pan, the Shepherd, and DANCING! This Roman festival derives...

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About Us

About Us

Hi, I am Jenny, a leader here at Indigo Spirituality. We are passionate about spirituality & the natural cycle of nature. At Indigo Spirituality, we strive to be the ultimate resource for getting more in touch with the natural world around us!