Pt 2. Getting My Tarot Cards Read by Markie Wing The PaintWitch | Witch Swap !

Today’s article and video is an awesome one. Markie over on the PaintWitch and I are collabing to bring you our tarot card readings for each other, and today is my reaction to her tarot card reading for me! Make sure you watch the video to get my reaction to the cards and #badcat in the background…. I swear… these two cats drive me crazy some days! But I love them. Read on for my thoughts on my first tarot card reading in over 10 years. How has it even been that long?!

Are you coming over from Markie’s video?
Hi! Hello! I am Jenny Proczko from Owls&Indigo. I make videos and write articles about:

mental health and awareness
the moon
weekly spirituality tips
connecting with nature

and all sorts of spiritual goodies to help you become a healthier happier human being! Make sure you join the Owls&Indigo Tribe so you don’t miss anything.

I’m just so so happy that I’ve gotten to where I am with my mental health, and to get this message is really reaffirming. It really reminds me to enjoy the ride, celebrate it all along the way, and that good things, apparently big things are on the horizon.

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