Pt 1. Reading Tarot Cards for Markie Wing The PaintWitch | Witch Swap!

I am PUMPED for today’s article and video!!!!! Markie over on the PaintWitch and I are collabing to bring you our tarot card readings for each other. My video has a twist! It’s not a normal tarot card reading, I’m reading her tarot cards exactly how I read my own at the beginning of each lunar month before I set my goals via the moon! Read on to see how I read tarot cards for others and how I interpret them to form mantras and ideas for how to accomplish the goal that Miss Markie is seeking.

how I read tarot cards

Ponder your question….
First Read those cards!
Second Make mantras based on the cards that are going to help you seek the answer to your question.
Third Set your intentions to make that dream come true!
Fourth Make it happen by tracking your progress with each phase of the moon!

Are you coming over from Markie’s video?
Hi! Hello! I am Jenny Proczko from Owls&Indigo. I make videos and write articles about:

mental health and awareness
the moon
weekly spirituality tips
connecting with nature

and all sorts of spiritual goodies to help you become a healthier happier human being! Make sure you join the Owls&Indigo Tribe so you don’t miss anything.

hey Markie,

I have a really special tarot card reading for you today. I drew your cards just like I draw mine at the beginning of each month and I hope that this reading helps gives you some clarity and a little insight into how you can potentially move forward. For this reading I used the Spirit Animal deck from the Wild Unknown by Kim Krans. I thought this would be a perfect deck for me to interpret for you.

I took your spiritual and I turned it into a positive affirmation that you can say to yourself and that will get you into the right frame of mind when it comes to thinking about what you’re looking for perspective and healing on. This is your spiritual goal, “I am healing emotionally even further than before. I am moving forward on this journey of emotional healing.”

This is a three card layout: to have, to do, and to be.

Use this layout by looking into the cards that I have watercolored and sketched here for you along with their meanings. On the opposite side is the mantra maker. I’ve written out some example mantras on the other side that came from the tarot card reading for you to use.

Now onto the reading…

to have: the black egg

The black egg is all about speaking from an authentic voice, the truth. The black egg is the epicenter of your truth. Speak out your truth, don’t hold it in. What do you know to be true about yourself? The situation? And the world? Make sure that you have the characteristics of the black egg in mind, and to speak out your truth. Don’t hold it in.

to do: the fire ant

The fire ant represents aggression, rigid thinking, and following orders. The fire ant is the force that attracts us to people and situations that feed on our imbalances, rather than those that counter them. Are you thinking too much about something? How can you break free from that aggravation? Make sure you meditate on those questions. Can you break free from this aggravation? What can you do? Is there something that you’re thinking too much about and spending too much time on? It is probably time for you to let those fire ants go and get rid of what is aggravating your life. 

to be: the elk

The elk is stable, resilient, headstrong, and the Father. The world needs more elk energy! Be the support and stability amid life changes. Uphold your values and be a stable force for those around you.

On the opposite page of your tarot card reading is the mantra maker. Themes of growth, healing, and connection, were kept in mind while I created these mantras for you. There is also space here for you to write in your own mantras unique to you.

I am…

I am speaking my own truth.

I am a force of stability and authenticity.

I will…

I will speak my truth.

I will not dwell; and will move forward, always forward.

I break free from this and find healing.

I’ve set these goals to…

I’ve set these goals to speak my authentic truth, break free from what imbalances me and be the support and stability that I need for myself, by myself, as my self.

So this is not just a tarot reading and a mantra maker. I’ve also included a layout similar to when I do in my monthly goal setting practice for those times that I want some clarity, or action, or things I’ve been worrying about or thinking about. Sometimes I just need a different perspective to view my situation from and the tarot cards help me do that.

I would love for you to write down your mantra for the month and then take a second and write down your intentions for the month as well. Then how you’re going to gain clarity on your goal and how you’re going to move forward to find that emotional healing that you’re looking for.

On the full moon make sure you check in and write down what you succeeded in and what you’ve improved. Then at the end of the lunar month on the balsamic crescent moon, take a look back and see what worked. Were you able to gain any more insight? Were you able to find those things that would work for you? Or did you stumble across some things that just do not work for you at all? Write down what worked what didn’t and then what you can improve as you continue on with this journey of finding emotional healing.

I am super grateful to have read your tarot cards and I really can’t wait to see what you have to say and what your reaction is. I’d really love to hear back from you on how it goes when you take a month to work on these goals for emotional healing.

with love & strength,

Jenny P.

Watch Markie from PaintWitch read my tarot cards here:

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Hey You! I’m Jenny, the founder of Indigo Spirituality. I’m passionate about Spirituality & connecting to the natural cycles of Nature. Indigo Spirituality strives to be the ultimate resource for getting more in touch with the natural world around you no matter where you live. Indigo Spirituality is part of the Owls & Indigo Network.