Spring Crocus Flowers Magical Properties for Imbolc & Ostara

Crocus flowers, which bears the same botanical name of crocus, is a flower that is known for popping up through the snow as one of the first signs of Spring. Crocus means yellow and most likely gets its name from the spice Saffron, which is harvested from the Autumn Crocus (a different species of flower, but still in the same family as the crocus). However, the Crocus petals are not usually yellow, they are most commonly purple and sometimes white. Crocus also goes by the names, spring blooming crocus, spring crocus, early crocus, and snow crocus.

I have always been so surprised to see little blooms poke their head out from the snow this time of year. They never ever cease to amaze me and remind me that Spring is on the way and that the cold and darkness of Winter is almost over. Looking for this sign of Spring each year has become a favorite tradition in our home.

Health Benefits: Spring Crocus should never be consumed.
Spiritual Properties: Used for cultivating good solid loving relationships.
Magical Properties: Used to attract love, bless your home, create visions, happiness, hope, blessings, new beginnings.

Crocus grow very well with little care and propagate very fast. Within the first few years of planting a few bulbs, you will have a garden full of beautiful crocus blooms popping up out of the snow thereafter.

This plant is also great for all workings related to depression. The Crocus is used to lift our spirits, and remind us that if a little flower can bloom through the darkness of winter, we too can fight through the cold and darkness to bloom and flourish.

Crocus is a good flower to use in spells for love, friendship, settling disputes, peace, divination, and new beginnings, which is why it is most commonly associated with Imbolc and Ostara.

Be sure to never consume Spring Crocus, it is NOT for human consumption.

Lindley, John, and Ridgway, James , Plate from Edwards's Botanical Register, 1829-1847
Lindley, John, and Ridgway, James , Plate from Edwards’s Botanical Register, 1829-1847

* DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor. These remedies have worked for me and for people that I personally know. Consult a real physician before beginning any new care routine for your body.

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Hey You! I’m Jenny, the founder of Indigo Spirituality. I’m passionate about Spirituality & connecting to the natural cycles of Nature. Indigo Spirituality strives to be the ultimate resource for getting more in touch with the natural world around you no matter where you live. Indigo Spirituality is part of the Owls & Indigo Network.