Earth Healing Ritual

There are many ways to heal other than using herbs, crystals or stones. Healing can also come from drawing energy from the earth and channel it into your body. Many people through out history have practiced this process, you have even done so  many times in your life with out even knowing it. Have you been sick or sad and been told that being outside would do wonders for your health? 

This process of healing outside is called Earth Healing. Modern man is subject to much more psychological gunk and physical ailments than ancient man could even imagine. With technology comes great responsibility, a responsibility to our bodies and minds. We need to maintain our sanity in the world that we live in and Earth Healing is one of the simplest most effective ways to do just that.

Earth Healing is something that I have done all my life, but had no idea that it was a ritual or that magic was tied to it in any way. The “ritual” has nothing to do with religion. In this instance the ritual is nothing more than a sequence of thoughts and actions that make up Earth Healing. The magic is the result of the ritual. After Earth Healing you will feel happier, grounded and more calm as you re-enter your day.


To heal your body and mind with the energies of the Earth, first go outside! This is not something that can be done inside. If you are not able to go outside, then you should look into a similar way of boosting your energy with plants.

  1. Go Outside
  2. Feel the air around you, breath it in
  3. Think about your troubles or ailments
  4. Take a deep breath and focus on becoming one with nature and feel your life energy run through your body (this is grounding)
  5. Lay flat on the ground, face to the sky with your eyes closed (if possible have your head in the East)
  6. Stretch your arms out at shoulder height and have your legs form a V (like a snow angel)
  7. Lay your palms flat on the ground
  8. Now breath deeply and imagine the the energy of the Earth coming into your body from the ground below
  9. Slow your breathing and match it to the rhythm you feel coming from the Earth’s energy
  10. Feel your body melt into the ground and be fully cloaked with the energy of the Earth
  11. Soak  up that energy

When you feel that you have soaked up as much energy as you need, sit up and let your eyes adjust to the sunlight as you open them. When you are ready to stand, do so slowly and then return to your day. You will feel a sense of renewal and calmness, this the the energy that you drew from the Earth that is flowing through your body. The act of drawing the energy up into your body is the magic of the world.

Earth Healing can also be done by nestling yourself in the roots of a tree and sitting against it. This form of Earth Healing gives you different kind of energy depending on the type of tree you lean against.

What kind of feelings to you experience after laying in the grass or sitting against a tree?

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Hey You! I’m Jenny, the founder of Indigo Spirituality. I’m passionate about Spirituality & connecting to the natural cycles of Nature. Indigo Spirituality strives to be the ultimate resource for getting more in touch with the natural world around you no matter where you live. Indigo Spirituality is part of the Owls & Indigo Network.